Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just Say No to Status Quo

Sometimes, we find ourselves content with status quo, just okay with the way things are. During those times, we have no desire to change things, put in any extra effort move beyond where we are. I know because I've been guilty of it. I AM guilty of it. Why do we not aim higher? Because we're comfortable. Comfort is a bitch....with a capital B! It allows us to settle for less than we deserve, whether that be in the form of a job, living quarters, significant other, etc. And when we settle, we open ourselves up to a lot of heartache, pain and sadness. You know it's true because you've seen your friends, who've settle in the area of a relationship, suffering through heartache and pain because it's more comfortable to be with a piece of a man (or woman) rather than explore the unknown and be by themselves.

What do I have to say to that? YOLO. You only live once. Why not live the best life you can while you can? While holding on to that piece of a man (hey, I'm writing from a woman's perspective), there's a single, caring, passionate, and supportive man somewhere twiddling his thumbs. He could've been yours and treating you to nice luxurious dinners, vacations and whatnot, but you chose the guy that is borrowing your car to go see the next female. That's just one example. This can apply to other aspects of our life as well. (As I write this, I'm applying it to a specific area of my life.)

Comfort is not our friend. However, greatness can be so good to us if we give it a chance. Yes, it's a challenge to reach, it takes time and effort to gain and we need to not take it for granted. Just remember, you deserve it.


FullnessofLife said...

Very motivating, Meka! Thanks!

BKsFinest1920 said...

I'm glad that it could motivate you!