Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Continuation: What I Wish I'd Known In My 20s

As I continue to go forth on this journey to success, I realize a few things that I wished I'd learned, or accepted, earlier in life. I must admit that while I'm enjoying my 30s, they are still a little frightening. Let me rephrase: It's frightening for me not being in control of everything. That would be my first additional note to my 20 year old self:

1. YOU CAN'T CONTROL EVERYTHING. ACCEPT IT. Yes, I'm using capital letters because it's just that serious. Focus on the things that you can control, and you'll be much happier.

2. Perfection does not exist. Strive for the best that you can give.

3. I've already addressed this topic previously, but I need to reiterate it. Remember that slogan that was popular back in the late 90s (gosh, saying late 90s makes me feel OLD)? "NO FEAR" I should've had this tattooed on my forehead so that every time I looked in the mirror I was reminded.

As I continue to this journey, I'm sure other notes to my 20 year old self will be made apparent, and I'll continue to update.

1 comment:

FullnessofLife said...

I learned the control thing in my mid 20s and it made the difference in life.