Accent - This makes me think of the latest African guy that I dated. (No more Africans for me!) in person, I understood him well. On the phone was another matter.
I Don't Drink - Coffee. I don't get the hype. To be cool these days, you must carry the white cup with the heat protectant around it and it's lid. I'm good.
Chore I Hate - Folding clothes. There's no point. That's why My clothes are hung in the closet. It's pointless to sit around for hours folding clothes only to search thru them looking for a specific piece and mess them up in the drawers.
Essential Electronic - My phone. Isn't that everyone's?
Perfume/Cologne - I am not a perfume wearer. I do those body sprays and lotions from Bath & Body Works or Victoria's Secret. My fave is Coconut Passion from Victoria's Secret. That ish is my drug. I remember I left the guys drooling when I used to wear Strawberries and Champagne. Their drug.
Gold or Silver - Hmmm. Silver.
Insomnia - Yes. My hours these days don't have to coincide with working hours, since I'm still jobless, so I stay up late and sleep late.
Job Title - Refer to the above comment. I have been hired to one although my start date is in question and another just called me up and offered a position or two or three. Lol.
My Most Admired Trait - Depends on who you ask. Some would say my smile but those that know me would say may silly sarcasm.
Siblings - Yes. 3 sisters and a brother from my mom. And two brothers from my dad. I don't do that half sibling stuff.
Time I Wake Up - Well, if you've read up to this point then you know I'm 1. Jobless and letter B. like to sleep late. So the answer is whenever.
Unusual Talent/Skill - I'd say none. I'm very run of the mill.
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat - Spinach - tried it and loved it. Brussel sprouts - tried em and loved em. Beets - no sir. Not gonna happen.
X-Rays - I had a MRI last year and it was an experience. I'm claustrophobic. Thank God they were not taking images of my head. That would've meant that I'd go in the machine head first. Because they were imaging my uterus, I went in feet first. I had a mini heart attack when the girl slid me in farther than my comfort level would allow. She got the point. No more MRIs for me though. I hope.
My Favorite Meal - Definitely salad. But if we're going out, (yes, you and I) then I would like to go to a Mexican restaurant and order enchiladas with the green sauce. Don't forget the Margarita on the side.
The end.
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