For the last month and a half, my blog has basically been nonexistent to me. To be honest, the last month and a half has been a a rough period for me, but I'm trying to bounce back. That starts with this blog. I love expressing myself through this means and some people have told me that they enjoy reading what I have to say. Well, that shall continue.
During my time off, I have had numerous ideas for topics of discussions. These topics range from fashion, of course, to relationships (familial and otherwise) to pop culture trends to my encounters in my everyday life. My thoughts have run wild and I need to capture some of them for this blog. I even have another idea for a new fashion blog - less words, more pictures.
Expect a new post very soon. I won't promise a regular schedule of posting since life is extra busy, but I will post more regularly.
Write to you soon. (Get it? Write instead of talk. LOL!)
In the words of Natalia, "Yaaaayyy"
I am so glad that you're back. I am also looking forward to the upcoming posts. Like you, my blog has been neglected for some time. I am hoping to schedule a post or three for the week to come. We will see. Things have been out of wack and I am attempting to recover.
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