Thursday, October 17, 2013

My biggest fear... a single person

The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 1


Isn't it obvious?! Let me put it this way, I always say to my friends, "God has a sense of humor that I don't always find funny. I don't want to find my Mr. Right when I'm 40 years old or even not at all." That's my biggest fear as a single person. My second biggest fear is ending up with Mr. Wrong just because I'm tired of waiting. I've seen those couples in which one spouse is totally disrespectful to the other or they spend all of their time arguing. Ain't nobody got time for that! So I'll just continue to wait for my intended boo, whoever he may be.


Sophia Season said...

That is so true. I almost gave up. Lord knows I encountered enough Mr. Wrongs in my time. I am glad God finally brought Mr. Right.

I nominated you for a Sunshine Award.

BKsFinest1920 said...

I'm very shocked and honored! Thank you! I took a look at your blog and it looks awesome! I can't wait to pick your brain next week as to how to improve mine. Thanks for reading!